Who we are

Website Address: https://forstrategybizco.com/


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An anonymous identifier, derived from your email address (referred to as a hash), might be shared with the Gravatar service to check for a Gravatar profile. The Gravatar service’s privacy policy is available here: [Privacy Policy Link]. Once approved, your profile picture becomes publicly visible alongside your comment.


When uploading images to the site, we advise against embedding location data (EXIF GPS) within images, as these details can potentially be extracted by those who download the images.


Upon leaving a comment, you have the option to store your name, email address, and website in cookies. These cookies offer convenience by automatically populating your details in future comments and last for one year.

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Logging in triggers the placement of multiple cookies to store your login credentials and screen display preferences. Login cookies last for two days, while screen options cookies persist for a year. Opting for “Remember Me” maintains your login status for two weeks. Logging out removes the login cookies.

Editing or publishing an article results in the storage of an additional cookie in your browser, containing the article’s post ID. This cookie does not contain personal data and expires after one day.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles may feature embedded content (videos, images, articles) from external websites, operating similarly to direct visits to those websites. These external sites might collect data, employ cookies, embed third-party tracking tools, and monitor interactions, especially if you’re logged into their respective platforms.

Who we share your data with

Your IP address will be included in the reset email if you request a password reset.

How long we retain your data

Comments and associated data are retained indefinitely for automatic recognition and approval of subsequent comments without manual moderation.

For registered users, personal information in user profiles is stored, which users can view, modify, or delete at any time, except for usernames, which are unalterable. Website administrators possess similar capabilities for managing this information.

What rights you have over your data

Account holders or comment contributors can request an exported file containing their personal data. They may also request deletion of their data, excluding information retained for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Where your data is sent

Visitor comments may undergo automated spam detection processes.